Nyk's initial choice is whether to stay home, amidst personal persecution, community crisis, and familial danger, or follow the Kynoi and discover the mysteries of Halteres and his providence. Admittedly, his bio-ethereal shepherd is making a lot of these calls, but this fateful decision, and what follows, sets forth the series of events that encompass the rest of the novel.
My characters exist in extraordinary circumstances, but there should always be a relatable correlation to the reader; a connection that spills into reality. I learned this from my years in education. Students, like readers, will be more likely to maintain interest in the material being presented to them if they can form personal connections to it.
Halteres is very personal to me, but what about you? I believe I've had similar experiences, emotions, and choices to other humans. So how do I convey that in Halteres? Can you relate? That's all that really matters.
Regardless how alien the subject matter, there must be a strong element of humanity. I believe there is here. I've explored very relevant themes; alienation, comradery, spirituality, and the privilege and responsibility of choice just to name a few.
The characters must face each choice, situation, even mundane dormancy, with the mindset that they contain within them a cache of righteous decisions and actions. Can you relate?
This shouldn't be easy for them. That's boring. Blue or red pill? Go back for Newt? Join the creepy old guy in the desert? I face analogous conundrums every...single...day. Now I must choose; continue this post, or go to sleep.
Good night. Don't bother me. I'm choosing...what shirt to wear to bed...

Now get that book finished!
Of course I love your GIFs. In fact they are quite handy whenever it comes to following each post. But oddly I can't help but think someday you'll get famous for the Halteres GIFs. And I was listening and I can relate.