Sunday, September 25, 2016


I need your help.  I need your feedback.

Help me build

Yes, I've revised chapters One through (now) Four and Chapter seven...again.  I split chapter one in two...right in two!

Chapter One- Nyk
Shall We?
Chapter Two- The Urwald
Where are you going?
Chapter Three- The Foculus
Will you shine?
Chapter Four- Noctvyls
What are you afraid of?
Chapter Seven- SCATHE
What are you hiding?

I'm still not sure whether to make Chapter Seven a Prologue.  Your Bad Ass-ignment (there is no choice) is to read Chapter One and Seven and tell me which one should go first.  Shut up and do it now!  Pretty please with Arca Trochia and Dae-mit on top.  If you do, I'll let you read the first four chapters PLUS chapter Seven for free!

Now don't bother me until you've decided.  I'm testing a book.

What comes first; the Nyk-en or the SCATHE.


  1. Will do. This GIF makes me fizzy.
    :) (nice spell check supposed to be dizzy but I kinda like fizzy now)

  2. First part of chapter 7 first, then new chapter 1. Maybe even chapter 7 as prelude. Or new chapter 1 first, split in half by chapter 7. They are both too exciting!

  3. You get an A-ss! Valedictorian! Thank you so much!
