Sunday, April 30, 2017


I get distracted.  I get antsy.  I rearrange room.  I organize my superfluous belongings, both material and imagined.  I redesign my blog.

Hey!  I redesigned my blog!  Hope you like!

Anyway, Opposable is still sitting well and behaving.  I need it to be bad.  I need it malicious.  I need it to go cat sh** crazy!

I'm gonna send out a couple more queries today.  Haven't heard back from the first one.  Hey, at least I haven't gotten a form rejection yet.

Here's a couple poems I've been thinking about writing so I'm writing them right now.  Write now!


I am broken glass,
In a sea of sand.
I'm only noticed,
When I'm stepped on.
Then I cut you,
And you bleed
All over me.
We both get hurt,
Because I'm broken.
I'm not whole,
And you forgot
To wear your flip-flops.


Now's the time
When I draw the line.
I think I can manage
Your collateral damage.
The wounds will be shallow
And your beseeching hollow.
Things need to change,
Before I brandish my fangs.

See?  I get distracted.  Now, don't bother me.  I'm targeting a book!

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