Tuesday, January 17, 2017


The Kavgas is an ancient fighting platform towering amidst the high canyon walls of Octor Sulcus.  It is one of the many metaphorical spires of judgement strewn throughout the realms of Halteres and Opposable; the launching platform upon which Nyk achieves not only self awareness, but the awareness that something else is aware...of him.  Basically, the Kavgas is one of many channels of discovery that connect Halteres and Opposable.  Yes, it's a discovery channel.

Raise curtain.  Act One.  Dux has challenged Nyk to combat on the Kavgas.  One rule; you fly, you die.  But here, we deal not with a simple snapping of the mortal coil, but a decimation of one's legacy.  How Nyk is perceived. remembered, and honored all rest on the outcome of this bout.

Just as combat ensues, however, something invades Nyk's mind; awareness, ubiquitous awareness.  Suddenly, the bludgeoning realization of purpose alternates blows with Dux.  Suddenly, his place among the Haltierre means nothing, his place on Halteres usurps it, and his place in the universe conquers them all.

You have just experienced what we call a brain dump.  These are ideas, and I have given them life.  The I has spoken.  I have seen the Spark, used the Spear, set in the Spike, and ascended the Spire.

Thank you.  You should also check out


for more general thoughts.

Now please excuse yourself, I'm Spearing the Sparks of a book.

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