Oh, you already got that? Sor-ry!
So I was thinking about the whole discovery channel thing. Halteres and Opposable are inexorable companion pieces. They forever exist together in the Bad Ass Sci Fi universe. I consider them perpendicular universes, connected by channels. These channels are opened through ideas, Sparks, discovery. The tie in is complicated and teetering on forced being pulled down by cliche. But there exists something more profound. Something original. Something beautiful. Something Bad Ass! I need to feel their connection. I need to make it real. I get the feeling it may be my legacy, whether I succeed or fail in its realization.
So in the immediate future, now that I'm riding a wave of manic creativity, I will plaster my digital canvas with light, shape, and perspective, until something tangible emerges. Join me!
And just 'cause I'm feeling frisky, here's one of my discovery channels. Such a sad tail he bears.

Now bask, and breath, and leave, I'm channeling a book.
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