Unfortunately, I usually do a bunch of stuff bass ackwards. I have no idea how this new domain has affected my blog's searchability. And isn't that the point? Find me. Read me. Follow me. Love me. Love Halteres. It's some bad ass sci fi!
Search engine optimization. HTTPS availability. Permalinks. Technorati. Edit HTML. There is much to learn, but as I said before, you're never too old.
I have the most important part; some bad ass sci fi! And every day it gets closer to being yours.
Let's see if this works. HEY, GOOGLE! GET ME UP ON THOSE RESULTS!
...Anything? Soon.
Here's something else. I promise anyone who follows me and gets on my mailing list free stuff! Cool, huh?
So limp on over, and until the next time: Piss off; I'm writing a book.

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