Sunday, March 20, 2016


Everything they say about getting published is true. 

It takes a long time.  How long?  I don't know yet.  I haven't even gotten a nibble from an agent yet. 

There are a lot of hoops.  How many?  I don't know yet.  I haven't gone through all of them yet.

It takes a lot of hard work.  How much?  I don't know yet.  I haven't begun to put my full effort into this project.

It takes a lot of perseverance and a sturdy integument?  How much and how sturdy?  I don't know yet.

What I do know is I'm not giving up.  I live every day for this project.  I get out of bed every day because I truly believe this novel will must be.

Don't get me wrong.  There are tides of doubt that roll in like biorhythms.  Sometimes (many times) I wonder if it is worth the time and energy.  Then I consider the alternatives.

I was born to write.  Too bad I'd been sidetracked by more mundane pursuits most of my life.  I am still an infant when it comes to writing.  My writing mind is infantile, but so is its ability to grow.

Everything they say about learning is false.

You are never too old to gain new understanding.  It is never too late to start.  You can change.  You can change the world.

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