Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Hello all!  Just writing to keep you all updated.  I've made some changes to the layout of the blog.  On the right you'll see images that are representative of some of the locations in the book.  Eventually, I would like to requisition some really awesome concept art 'cause I don't draw too good.  But for now, it gives you an idea of the diversity and complexity of the worldbuilding I've been doing.  (Thanks for the suggestion, Ryan!)

Also, I've completed several versions of a synopsis; 1 page, 2 page, 2+ page, and long ass version.  I can't post them here, 'cause they's got sperlers!!

I'm still SO EXCITED to get this project out to the public.  I truly believe that it's an incredibly fun and vivid read.  My heart and soul are in this novel.  I hope you'll join me!

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