Friday, January 22, 2016

This is my blog

Hello There!

Thanks for dropping by.  I hope you're ready to enter the world of Halteres.  I've said it many times, "This means something.  This is important."  Richard Dreyfuss from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  This project had been gnawing at my creative centers for the better part of a decade.  I even made a model of Halteres out of mashed potatoes (papier mache actually).

You'll get a lot more here than on my facebook page.

That's more for daily updates and progress in getting published.

This is where the details live.  I'll be going into character profiles, nomenclature, and histories.  I don't want to reveal too much, just entice.  Can't be having any spoilers.

So, welcome.  Put down your landing gear and step off the transport.  The air is fine, on this side.  Just beware of noctvyl.

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