Friday, January 22, 2016


I'm not a good blogger.  I just starteded, ya know.  When I'm in my book, I'm like, 'Blam! Wham! KaBloomy!'  But when I'm describing my book to others, in whichever format, I'm like, 'poop.'  I wouldn't ascribe myself the title of savant, but damn...

Please forgive the awkwardness of my posts.  They mostly suck; mostly.  But I'm learning.  I'm learning.

Maybe this little disconnect with my explanatations of my werk is a problem with my story.  Maybe if I define the themes, characters and conflicts better within, I could aspane them better without.  Are you receiving what I'm transmitting?  Coo.

BTFW, mispellations are on for purpose.  I amn't no idget.  I just like havin' fun wit word usements (Steve Martin, bless his wild and crazy soul).

Help me Strunk & White, you're my only hope (Star Wars).

Well, time to travel back to Halteres for more rewrites.  Am I trying to escape from something?  You're GD right I am.  Will you join moi?


  1. My God! This book looks amazing! I'm telling all my friends about this. Nice post!
