Saturday, October 29, 2016


How do you turn a negative into a positive?  Supply negative particles with enough energy to free themselves?  Shed electrons through quantum tunneling? 

No.  You simply draw a line.  I'm ready to draw the line.

No, it's not easy.  You have to seek out opportunities for inspiration.  You have endure rejection and disappointment.  You have to get butt ass naked in front of the world.

I go to this Teen Science Fiction Talk and Book Signing at the Tattered Cover last night.  My cousin Lexxie was introducing the authors (great job and thank you!).  Before it started, I found myself staring at the science fiction/fantasy section.  I could imagine Halteres sitting up there in the shelves somewhere between William Gibson and Frank Herbert. my dream.  (interesting that Halteres and my last name start with Ha...Ha-Ha!)

So I listen to these authors speak, and again I imagine myself sitting alongside them.  Dream?  Prophecy.  There was one, a tatted up, Dave Grohl lookin', Aussie Bad Ass wearing this...

He instantly became my hero.  I bought his book and got it signed.  Then, feeling like a complete jackass, I gave him my card.  Not in the hopes that anything would come of it, but simply as a gesture to connect to someone I wish to emulate.  By the way, the term 'Bad Ass' was thrown around liberally at this event, especially by him.  I truly think the domain on my card made an impact.  I'm definitely on to something...

I left feeling pretty good, pretty overwhelmed, and pretty proud of what I've accomplished so far.  One of the authors said, "It's far easier to turn a bad book into a good book than to write a book in the first place." (paraphrase, of course).  So, my book may be bad (bad ass!), but it's better than nothing.  Hey, it's significantly better than nothing.

And so, I will position myself near cathodes, create a Townsend Avalanche to shed elections, and continue drawing lines whenever negativity arises.  I'm going to continue improving Halteres and use NaNoWriMo to rework my next novel. 

The difference between (-) and (+)?  One F**King line.

Anyway, until next time, don't negate me.  I'm ionizing a book.

Shut up.

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