Sunday, July 31, 2016


Bear with me.  This is stream of consciousness, not an academic paper for a scientific journal.

The Arca Trochia is the largest organism on Halteres.  It is presumably the oldest, and assuredly the most powerful.  But what makes it so powerful is purely unnatural.

Is it a demon?  No.  Is it a whale-like creature?  No.  Is it a big f**king dinosaur?  No.  The Arca Trochia consists of vast networks of tubular vessels pumping a constant flow of polar microbes.

To be completely accurate, the Arca Trochia is comprised of two mutualistic organisms working together to achieve the full affect of the system.  The vessel's membranes are composed of densely packed, chitin plated, plant-like cells separated by interstitial elastin fibers.  The 'fluid' cells most closely resemble independent prokaryotic mitochondria whose metabolism creates an electrical charge amidst an inorganic plasma.

Most of the network is underground, boring deep into the cores of mesas and jungles alike, but surface groves can be found if one knows where to look.  The vessels can grow to a foot in diameter and stretch for hundreds of square miles throughout the equatorial regions of Halteres Astir Espera.

A truly durable, versatile triumph of co-evolution.  The membranes can be used for clothing, shelter, and with the fluid, healing and sustenance.  But again, what makes the Arca Trochia truly powerful is entirely unnatural.  Its connection to the Kynoi rivals that of even Nyk.  It is true, functional organic circuitry, and exists in situ in but one location in the known universe (see above).

Yes, I know what your saying. 'This sounds a lot like magic mycelium.  Isn't the largest and oldest organism on earth a big f**ing mushroom in Oregon?  Maybe a big f**king aspen clone in Utah?"  No, this is TOTALLY different.  The Arca Trochia isn't a fungus or a root, but if it helps you visualize, run with it!  Everything comes from something.  So zip it, rhizomorph!

I jest, and until next time.  Don't bother me, I'm explaining a book.

Monday, July 25, 2016


What makes Halteres different?  What makes Halteres special?  Many things; from its structure to its inhabitants to the Atosentient power that reigns over them all.  But what seems to binds them together, what drives the conflict, is the S.C.A.T.H.E. (Self Contained Arca Trochia Hub Engine).

It is a tangible device, constructed from naturally occurring substances; all of which can be found in various locations on Halteres.  Some components are more common than others.  Some are very rare; the Arca Trochia.  But what will make the S.C.A.T.H.E. operational is entirely unnatural; the Kynoi.  It is an artificial construct designed to harness an intangible force beyond all comprehension.

The device is elegant, simple, impossible.  A capsule of impeccable design.  Its hub consists of a smooth black polycarbonate shell ten feet long and four feet in diameter.  Inset at its crest is a translucent polymer nanocomposite containment chamber used to confine infinitesimal amounts of the Kynoi.  At the unit’s base are a series of electrophoresis like ports used to house lengths of Arca Trochia.  Extending from the ports, a network of electrodes designed to draw power from those unfortunate to be blessed with the Kynoi.

One such cursed Mendax subject downloaded a crude sketch from one of their nightmares.

Phyquae has been working on the trans-ethereal device since he was relegated to Prime Acudept by Archon.  Archon needs this device to carry out his plans.  Phyquae stalls, but a component that will make the S.C.A.T.H.E. operational has just been delivered.

Why does Archon need this device so badly?  What makes it work?  What is the last component?  Stay tuned, and until the next time; don’t bother me, I’m wearing a book.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Bad Ass Sci Fi rolls on.  Halteres continues to evolve.  Lots o' updates today!

First and foremost; I finished revising Chapter 1- Nyk.  It's available on the right sidebar!

Second and midmost; I revised my query letter (once again).  It's not posted, but let me know if you wanna take a look.

Third and lastmost (this probably should have been first, 'cause it's just too Bad Ass).  I designed and ordered a t-shirt!  Let me know what you think!



More to come shortly.  Gotta start submitting again.  So until next time, don't bother me, I'm actualizing a book.  It's my...

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Well, I survived my first open critique of Halteres- Chapter One.  Words can describe:

Bombattering (SB)

I'm not exactly saying I put the idiomatic cart before the horse with this project.  More like the 10 x 10^24 kg cart is strapped to the horse trying to get carried to the collective unconscious.

Bottom line; I gotta get back on the sane train!  The observations of 32 agents and numerous intelligent, learned, well read inspectors have led me to conclude one thing:

Halteres needs more Bad Ass!

Chapter One is due for a good looksy.  It's gotta hit the reader like a laser quill shot from a proton evaporator cannon.

Doubt?  Come at me, bro.  I got this.  I'm all in.  You have no idea, but you will.

Until then, don't bother me, 'cause here I go...

Friday, July 15, 2016


Greetings loyal followers!  Just a quick message and preview of my latest business card design.

I just finished rereading and formatting Halteres once again.  My god, it's full of Bad Ass Sci Fi !

Here's my latest business card.  Let me know what you think!
Also, you can always email me with comments and feedback at:

Feel free to write any time!  Please bother me, I'm transmitting a book!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Sorry for the hiatus.  Just indulging in some life experience.  Ironically, the more I get out there, the more my mind comes back here; to Halteres.  Of course it's escapism.  That's what it is for me and that's what I hope it will be for you.

I want to thank Shannon, Monique, and Ryan once again for all their support and feedback.  It's invaluable!  You guys are the embers that keep my fire going.  Halteres, however, is and always will be the accelerant.  It's Dreyfuss' mashed potatoes. 

I know it's slow going.  Seems like forever, but it has been just over a year since I fully committed to this epic journey of Bad Ass Sci Fi.  I will continue.  I will double my efforts (which will be easy since they've been next to nil lately).  I will succeed.  The world still needs Halteres.

More chapters are just waiting to be read.  I'm sure you'll find them...

Thanks again and until next time: Don't bother me, I'm bringing a book to life.