Sunday, August 6, 2017


Don't get excited, I'm just playing around with the format...again, and wondering why the hell my post feed still shows up as HORROR GHASM, even though I've tried to change it about a bunch of times.

Also, I'm about to quit facebook because I've tried to merge my Halteres/Bad Ass Sci Fi pages for over a year now, and nothing.

It's real hard for an introvert to network and market, especially when technology SUCKS!

So, I'm distracting myself and procrastinating by playing around with themes and layouts and backgrounds and blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, I'll keep it short, because it's just a test, and I really want to pass.

Until I get, well, something figured out, don't bother me.  I'm trying not to let the stray eyebrow hair in my peripheral vision from distracting me from writing a book.

Eyebrows, drums, Animal, Keith Moon, Dave Grohl...hmmm...


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