Monday, August 7, 2017


Alright, we're making progress!  It's about to get crazy scary!

BOO!  Just kidding...  ...  ...

SO!  I you may have noticed, I fixed the email feed.  Not only the header, but the delivery time.  It's all in feedburner!  I'm writing this down primarily to remind myself if when I forget.  All you need to know is Bad Ass Sci Fi and Horror Ghasm will not be denied!

Also, new email address- is live!

Also, also, I'm fed up with facebook, so will be republished and started from scratch.

I may be stupid and ignorant and unteachable and unable to learn from my mistakes, but I'm no quitter...sometimes.  I'm like this!

A couple of new things to share other than the previous momentous tidbits I just shared-

1. A few...decades ago, I was a founding member of the brief and unsuccessful Undead Psycho Zombie Cannibal Movie Reviewers From Hell Club.  I wanna get that going again, I an expanded, updated format.  I mean, this is what our form looked like (As I say, this was many, many, many years ago!).  You down, RJT?

2. I'm gonna add a separate page for Horror Ghasm.  I know the main site is Bad Ass Sci Fi, but I can't escape the HORROR!  There are many conflicts in mood, genre, tone, and voice all up throughout my business!  Still, I'll figure it out.

3. Not giving up on other formats of communication; FB, twitter, wordpress, blogger, and other networking opportunities.  A necessary evil, but I'm all about evil!

4. I'm gonna keep writing!  Lots o' shtuff to get out there!

Yes, I know these posts aren't very scary or Bad Ass, but it takes work to get things up and running and maintained.  If I could afford a techie...never mind.

Now don't bother me, I'm feedburning a book!


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