Tuesday, November 1, 2016


How do I start a post about starting over?  By telling you I'm not f**king starting over!  I'm just starting the start over, and over, and over.  I have over ten starts and I'm not over starting over and won't be over starting over until it's over being started!  Over and out! 
(I know, terrible...shut up!)

Anywho, here's my new beginning.  It's about new beginnings.  It's not a- happening at the same time for no apparent reason- thingy.

You will read?  You will relate?


Shall we?

     Nyk started this journey a thousand times.  Two thousand.  Ten thousand.  In his mind he completed it a million times.  In reality, never.  The never didn’t stop him from trying.  It was almost more important to attempt than to accomplish.  Each time he forged a little further.  Each time he broke new ground, he broke old doubt; external, and much more crippling, internal disbelief. 
     He could envision the bounty of success.  He dreamt about it; dreams supplied to him by the Kynoi itself.  Nyk’s reality had become overwhelming, unfulfilling.  The only escape was the pursuit, the seeking of answers, and his own response to the prophecy he had been given.  So Nyk started the journey again.  There, standing at the gate of the vast Urwald jungle, the deep canyons of his homeland, Octor Sulcus, at his back, he started again.
     The goal, the Legends Beyond the Urwald, seemed auxiliary at that point.  It was all about the means now, not the end.  The failed quests had become habitual.  The marsopod steeds he had killed, the physical and emotional wounds he had suffered at the hands of beasts foreign and domestic, and the repeated disappointment of providence denied all ushered him into lower level of existence.  A life where the only reward was regret.  He was finally ready. 
     And so, Nyk started again.  Where he always did, when he always did, thinking and saying what he always thought and said, he began.  He knew how the pilgrimage would commence, and thought he knew how it would conclude.  He did not know, however, this would be the last time he entered the Urwald from his mockingly familiar egress.  Yes, Nyk was finally ready, and the Kynoi finally ready for him.  In unison, they uttered two simple, misunderstood words to mark the beginning, and the end.

Shall we?

There you have it.  Hope you like it.  It will happen.  Halteres will be born again!

Now please, show yourself out.  I'm never ending the beginning of a book.

Hey, if that happened, this can happen!